Brazilian Women in Chemistry Award

Award at a Glance

Recipient Chemistry Professional
Category Diversity
AmountUp to $2,000
DeadlineMarch 6, 2024


The joint American Chemical Society-Brazilian Chemical Society “Brazilian Women in Chemistry Award” aims at promoting gender equality, focused on the Brazilian chemistry community, and recognizing the impact of diversity on scientific research in chemistry. Thus, the award seeks to recognize women scientists with relevant contributions and outstanding research in the field of chemistry and related sciences.


The award is given in three categories: “Emerging Leader in Chemistry and Related Sciences”, “Leadership in Industry”, and “Leadership in Academia”. The award is sponsored by CAS and ACS Publications, two divisions of ACS, and applications are jointly reviewed by the SBQ and ACS.

The award will offer each winner:

  • A $2,000 USD cash prize;
  • A SciFinder ID valid for one year;
  • Membership to the ACS and SBQ for a period of one year;
  • A certificate of the award in English;
  • A tribute plaque in Portuguese;
  • Coverage at C&EN and the SBQ Bulletin, as well as at the official SBQ and Núcleo Mulheres SBQ social media channels.
  • Free registration for a course offered by the ACS Institute.


Anyone who identifies as a woman is welcome to apply for the awards, which will be given in three categories:

Emerging Leader in Chemistry and Related Sciences: this award will recognize the achievements of a remarkable young scientist or entrepreneur in chemistry. This exceptional emerging leader must be up to 40 years old, or not have completed their Ph.D. more than 10 years prior to 2023. In case of maternity, for one maternity leave two years are added to the age limit or the period after the Ph.D. completion, and for two or more maternity leaves three years are added. The nominations will be evaluated according to three main aspects: (a) education field, based on the candidate’s activities related to teaching and advising of undergraduate and graduate students; (b) research field, based on the candidate’s contribution to the advancement of science and their research field, evaluated through their independently published scientific articles (as main author), patents, conference presentations and lectures, and (c) extension activities and social projects fields, aligned with science communication and actions for the promotion of gender equity in science.

Minimum requirements for this category:

  • five articles published (as the corresponding author) in JCR indexed scientific journals;
  • four defended Ph.D. theses and/or master’s dissertations as the main advisor;
  • four plenary lectures presented outside their home institution;
  • one project (as the coordinator) approved by a funding agency.

Leadership in Industry: this award will recognize a woman working in the chemical, pharmaceutical or biotechnology industries, whose research and creative innovations have generated discoveries that have contributed to commercial success and the benefit of society. The nominations will be evaluated according to four main aspects: (a) innovation field, based on deposited patents and developed products or processes; (b) leadership field, based on the coordination of teams, projects or work groups, the transfer of knowledge to their teams and work groups, or the creation of start-ups; (c) recognition field, based on prior awards, recognitions and promotions within and outside their company; (d) external interaction field, based on the development of research projects in partnership with universities, research institutions and partner companies.

Minimum requirements for this category:

  • one article published (as main author) in JCR indexed scientific journals;
  • two patents submitted to national or international intellectual property agencies;
  • a text (1000 character maximum, excluding spaces) describing the candidate’s contributions to the development of innovative solutions (new products, services, processes, etc.) that are/were commercially viable – attesting documentation is necessary.

Leadership in Academia: this award will recognize a woman with a consolidated background in academia and whose contribution to scientific research in chemistry has a global and social impact. The nominations will be evaluated according to three main aspects: (a) education field, based on the candidate’s activities related to teaching and advising of undergraduate and graduate students; (b) research field, based on the candidate's contribution to the advancement of science and their research field, published articles, patents, presentations and lectures, and (c) extension activities and social projects fields, aligned with science communication and the promotion of gender equity in science.

Minimum requirements for this category:

  • 25 articles published (as the corresponding author) in JCR indexed scientific journals;
  • 20 defended Ph.D. theses and/or master’s dissertations as the main advisor;
  • 10 plenary lectures presented outside their home institution;
  • five projects (as the coordinator) approved by funding agencies.

How to Apply

For nominations and self-nominations: Click here to create an account and complete your application.

Judging Process

A panel of jurors will review all nominations received. This panel will consist of representatives of SBQ (and its Núcleo Mulheres) and global representatives of ACS, in equal numbers. The review process will be based on weighed evaluation criteria specific for each category of the award.

Award Ceremony

The winners will be awarded on May 25, 2024, during the Symposium of the Núcleo Mulheres SBQ, which will take place at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society, from May 22 to 25, 2024, in the city of Águas de Lindóia - SP, Brazil. As part of the symposium’s program, the winners will present their contributions to chemical sciences in Brazil.


The Brazilian Women in Chemistry Award is promoted annually since 2018 by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) aiming at promoting gender equality in chemistry and related areas.

View all previous awardees.

Contact Information

Regiane Bracchi
Latin America Manager, ACS Publications

Prof. Dr. Claudia Rezende
Advisory Board Member at SBQ and Coordinator of the Núcleo Mulheres SBQ


ACS Publications Most Trusted. Most Cited. Most Read
Chemical Abstracts Services, a division of the American Chemical Society
Brazilian Society of Chemistry

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