CIBA/YCC Young Scientist Travel Award

Award at a Glance

Recipient Student, Early Career
Category Travel
Amountup to $1,000
DeadlineNovember 15, 2023


To provide funding for young and early-career chemists to travel to and participate in an ACS meeting.


The ACS Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) and the CIBA Foundation are proud to support the CIBA/YCC Young Scientist Travel Award and the development of younger chemists in the chemical sciences.

This award provides funding for young and early-career chemists to travel to and participate in an ACS Meeting or Regional Meeting. YCC and the CIBA Foundation congratulate the outstanding past CIBA/YCC Young Scientist Travel Award winners.

CIBA/YCC Young Scientist Travel Awards are issued twice a year but the number of awards granted yearly will vary subject to available funding. Awards are made on the basis of scientific merit and financial need. Funds may be applied only for registration, travel, and accommodations and are restricted to traveling to ACS Meetings or Regional Meetings.

Each travel award will be up to $1,000. In additional to financial support, the award provides networking opportunities for recipients who attend an ACS Meeting or Regional Meeting.


The award is intended for young scientists (under 40) who have post-doctoral appointments OR are within the first seven (7) years of their professional career. Those who have received a prior award under this program are ineligible.

Applicants must currently be:

  • Under the age of 40 years of age at the time of application
  • Post-doc OR within the first seven (7) years of a professional career
  • ACS Member
  • Are not presently a Member or Associate Member on any National ACS committee
  • Have not received a prior award through this program

Awards will be given with preference to the following:

  • Applicants making their first presentation at an ACS national or regional ACS meeting;
  • Applicants who have not presented at an ACS national, regional or other major scientific meeting since degree completion. For example:
    • Postdoctoral applicants who have not presented at a national or regional ACS meeting since completing their graduate degree;
    • Early career professionals (within 7 years of degree completion, regardless of degree) who have not presented at a national or regional ACS meeting since completing their degree.
    • Applicants currently under the age of 40 OR within 7 years of degree completion regardless of the number of prior presentation at ACS national or regional meetings.

The YCC Governance Interface and Outreach Subcommittee oversees the application review and selects awardees. If you have questions about the award process, please email


  • November 15 (for meetings occurring between January 1 and June 30)
  • May 15 (for meetings occurring between July 1 and December 31)

All application material must be received by the application close date for consideration. Late applications will not be considered. Travel awards cannot be used for meetings already attended.

How to Apply

In the online application process, the applicant will be required to provide/upload the following:

  • Completed CIBA/YCC Young Scientist Travel Award application
  • A short biography for publication on the YCC website (100 words or less)
  • Your current curriculum vita or resume including your permanent address (PDF or DOC)


ACS Younger Chemists Committee (YCC)

Contact Information

American Chemical Society
Department of Diversity Programs
c/o YCC - CIBA/YCC Younger Chemist Travel Award
1155 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Fax: 202-776-8003

Related Opportunities

  • Nina McClelland Memorial Award The Nina McClelland Memorial Award provides $2,000 to postdoctoral scholars to travel and present at the ACS GCI's Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference.

  • ACS Bridge Project Travel & Professional Development Award Supporting registration and travel costs for underrepresented students to attend the ACS Meeting or other career and professional development event.

  • Rising Stars in Green Chemistry Education Award There are two annual awards: one designated for a scholar teaching in the U.S. and the other for an international scholar teaching at an institution outside the U.S. Each award will consist of a certificate, $1,000 honorarium, and travel support for the awardee and one student (up to $2,000 each) to attend the annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference to receive the award and present their work.

  • Women Chemists Committee/Eli Lilly Travel Award Providing funding for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral female chemists to travel to meetings to present the results of their research.