Intellectual property can be a key business asset for any entity that can provide significant commercial value. For most entities involved in the chemical art, patents can help provide protection for an invention, while aiding in their monetization. The presentation will provide a brief introduction to patents, types of patents, and criteria for assessing patentability. This will be followed by a discussion on the different routes to global patent protection, with a discourse on the pros and cons of the different routes.
What You Will Learn
- An introduction to the different types of patents and the criteria for assessing patentability
- The different routes to global patent protection with their pros and cons
- Advice for those interested in pursuing a career in intellectual property and patent law
The Fine Print
ACS Webinars® does not endorse any products or services. The views expressed in this presentation are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the American Chemical Society.