Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Scholars
Graduate & Postdoc Chemist Magazine
Find career advice, wellness, career paths, fellowships, and general topics related to grad student and postdoc life.
Graduate Student Organizations
Start an ACS Graduate Student Organization at your institution to build a community for grad students interested in networking, career preparation, outreach, and professional development.
Career Planning
Learn about career workshops, academic careers, networking, interviewing, and the new ChemIDP online tool.
Awards and Fellowships
Find research and postdoctoral fellowships, travel awards, leadership awards, and more.
Learn about upcoming ACS Meetings and other events
According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, there is no consensus around a single definition of wellbeing. However, "in simple terms well-being can be described as judging life positively and feeling good." "Well-being integrates mental health (mind) and physical health (body) resulting in more holistic approaches to disease prevention and health promotion."
Professional Development & Networking
- Tips for Securing a Faculty Position
Find advice on how to secure a faculty position from a group of faculty members who facilitated two ACS “Postdoc to Faculty” workshops. - Six Steps to a Postdoctoral Position in the Chemical Sciences That Is Right for You
Learn how to be intentional in your search for a postdoctoral position and how to find one that aligns with your career and personal goals. - ACS Technical Divisions
Take advantage of opportunities in your discipline! Look for networking opportunities, awards, and fellowships as you develop leadership and team-building skills with professionals in your field. - Younger Chemists Committee
Grow and increase your involvement in ACS at all levels through professional opportunities for younger chemists and professionals. - Graduate Student Symposium Planning Committee
Plan symposia for ACS national meetings while developing leadership skills and a professional network. - And Gladly Teach
Receive tips and advice from this complimentary resource book for chemists who are considering an academic career. - ACS Career and Professional Development Postcard
Peer review is the practice of subjecting scholarly work to the scrutiny of experts in the field, with the goal of validating and improving the content prior to publication.
- ACS International Center
Learn about international research experiences that have the potential to shape your career.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
In this section, you will find programs and resources aimed to bring awareness on DEI issues and to increase diversity in the chemical sciences.
- ACS Bridge Project
The American Chemical Society Bridge Project’s mission is to strengthen chemistry in the United States by increasing the number of underrepresented minority students who receive doctoral degrees in chemical sciences. - ACS Bridge Program
The American Chemical Society Bridge Program (ACS-BP) is an effort to increase the number of chemical science PhDs awarded to underrepresented minority (URM) students by creating sustainable transition (bridge) programs and a national network of doctoral granting institutions that provide substantial mentoring for students to successfully complete PhD programs. - ACS Bridge Travel Award
The American Chemical Society Bridge Travel Awards support selected underrepresented minority (URM) student by defraying travel and/or registration costs to attend different professional meetings. - NSF Include Alliance: Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN)
- OXIDE (Open Chemistry Collaborative in Diversity Equity)
- Project Implicit (Harvard University)
- Implicit Bias (Sample Publications)
- Men Set Their Own Cites High: Gender and Self-citation across Fields and over Time. (2017) King, M. M., et al.
- Unconscious Bias in the Classroom: Evidence and Opportunities. (2017) Dee, T., & Gershenson, S.
- What Happens Before? A Field Experiment Exploring How Pay and Representation Differentially Shape Bias on the Pathway Into Organizations. (2015) Milkman, K. L., et al.
- What’s in a Name: Exposing Gender Bias in Student Ratings of Teaching. (2015) MacNell, L., et al.
- A test that fails. (2014) Miller, C. & Stassun, K.
- Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students. (2012) Moss-Racusina, C. A., et al.
- Casuistry and Social Category Bias. (2004) Norton, M. I., et al.
ACS Reports and Studies on Graduate and Postdoctoral Training
- 2019 ACS Postdoc Survey
See the results of a survey of postdoctoral scholars in the chemical sciences. Questions focused on career interests and plans, postdoc competencies, and contextual factors that guide the career decision making process (e.g. values, mentors…). - 2019 ACS Graduate Student Survey
See the results of a survey of graduate students in the chemical sciences. Questions focused on career interests and plans, graduate education competencies, and contextual factors such as advisors and mentors, resources, support, and satisfaction with graduate school.
- 2013 ACS Graduate Student Survey
See the results of a survey of graduate students in the chemical sciences. Questions focused on career goals and preparation, quality of relationships with adviser(s) and peers, resources, funding and overall satisfaction with graduate school. - ACS Presidential Commission Report on Graduate Education
Read the report which focuses on the purpose of graduate education in the chemical sciences and addresses important societal issues as well as the needs of graduate students.
- Natures Guide for Mentors (Nature)
- When You Need a Mentor (Graduate and Postdoctoral Chemist)
- Making the Right Moves (Chapter 5): Mentoring and Being Mentored (HHMI)
- Choosing an Ideal Mentor (ACS)
- Mentor Training to Improve Diversity in Science 1: A Conversation on Culturally Aware Mentoring (NRMN)
- Mentor Training to Improve Diversity in Science 2: Resources to Enhance Culturally Aware Mentoring (NRMN)
- Not Networking 101: Building Relationships for Success (iBiology)
- Mentoring International Postdocs: Working to Advance Science & Careers (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
Other Resources:
Chemical Laboratory Safety:
- Guidelines for Chemical Safety in Academic Institutions (Short booklet that teaches researchers at all levels about basic principles and procedures of laboratory safety, ACS)
- Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories (Best practices for first- and second-year university students, ACS)
- The Safety Zone (Blog about chemical safety, Chemical & Engineering News)
- Joint Safety Team (Example of a student run initiative that enhances the culture of safety in chemical laboratories, University of Minnesota)
Psychological Safety:
- Depression in Graduate Studies-How common is it? (By Drs. Matthew Hanson, David Golden, and Philippe Buhlmann, University of Minnesota)
- Depression in Graduate Studies, What are the Signs? (By Dr. Gary Christenson, MD, University of Minnesota)
- Depression in Graduate Studies-Awareness, Prevention, and Early Intervention (By Dr. Matthew Hanson, University of Minneapolis)
- My Story-Depression in Graduate Studies (By Dr. Christopher Cramer, University of Minneapolis)
- Preventing Suicide (Graduate and Postdoctoral Chemist)
Prospective Graduate Students
- Planning for Graduate School
Get on the path to graduate school with our comprehensive guide to selecting an institution and preparing for graduate studies. - Bridge Project