India Chapter

The India International Chemical Sciences Chapter was officially established on June 5th 2015. ACS Council voted, at the ACS National Meeting in Denver on March 25, 2015, to approve your application. The application was ratified by the ACS Board of Directors on June 5, 2015 to operate under the provision of the ACS Bylaw IX (Constitution XIV).

Planned activities 

  1. Launching symposium
  2. Quarterly/ monthly dinner/ lunch meeting and presentation
  3. Semi Annual full membership meeting
  4. Workshops on Publishing research/career pathway/writing proposal
  5. Establish ACS Student Chapter
  6. Science festivals – Science is fun activities
  7. Poster competitions
  8. Chemistry awards: Chemistry Quizzes
  9. Seminars on communicating science
  10. Industrial talks

Contact the Chapter

New officer elections are upcoming. Please check back soon to find contact information to the chapter.