Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Award

Award at a Glance

Recipient Faculty, Industry, Chemistry Professional, Early Career
Category Research
DeadlineFebruary 26, 2024


Sponsoring a lecture award for a distinguished younger scientist highly regarded by their peers for significant contributions to an area of chemistry or related multidisciplinary area of chemistry.


The Kavli Foundation sponsors The Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecture through 2025, with two lectures per year, one at each ACS Meeting.


The nominee must be a distinguished younger scientist who is highly regarded by their peers for significant contributions to an area of chemistry or related multidisciplinary area of chemistry.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate each candidate for the lecture award:

  • Three accomplishments of the nominee are needed, which may include:
    • Seminal publication citations
    • Products/processes commercialized
    • High-impact projects
  • Proposed title and scope for the lecture (200-word limit)
  • Nomination letter (1,000-word limit; uploaded as a separate document and using the stationary of the person making the nomination)
  • CV/resume of the nominee (1,000-word limit)

Each ACS Committee and Technical Division may nominate up to two individuals for this award. The nominee must be solicited by and nominated through one or more of the ACS Committees or Technical Divisions and approved by the respective Chair.

The nominee need not be a member of the nominating group or a member of the ACS.


  • The proposed lecture topic and scope must align with the ACS Meeting theme.
  • The lecturer must attend the meeting to present a 45-minute lecture, currently scheduled for Monday, August 19, 2024.
  • The lecturer must be no more than 40 years old or no more than ten years past receipt of their Ph.D.
  • The nomination must be approved by the respective Committee or Division Chair.


The nomination deadline for the Spring 2024 Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry lecture award is February 26, 2024.


A Review Committee composed of the MPPG (Multidisciplinary Programming Planning Group) Chair, the Thematic Program Organizers, and Chair appointees will review all submitted nominations. Each Division and Committee may submit up to two (2) nominations. Nominations not chosen for previous meetings may resubmitted at the Division’s discretion as long as the nominee meets the nomination criteria in respect to the meeting dates.


The nominators and awardees will be notified of the decision by March 15, 2024.


The Kavli Foundation

Contact Information

Email: mppg@acs.org

The Kavli Foundation logo

Related Opportunities

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  • Pfizer Emergent Leader Award To recognize up to eight outstanding individuals in the second year and above of their graduate studies or undertaking post-doctoral research. The applicants must perform research in the areas of organic chemistry, synthetic methodology, total synthesis, medicinal chemistry, computational chemistry and chemical biology.

  • Merck Research Award Recognizing eight female-identifying individuals who will present their research at an awards symposium held during the ACS Fall Meeting.

  • Rising Stars in Green Chemistry Education Award There are two annual awards: one designated for a scholar teaching in the U.S. and the other for an international scholar teaching at an institution outside the U.S. Each award will consist of a certificate, $1,000 honorarium, and travel support for the awardee and one student (up to $2,000 each) to attend the annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference to receive the award and present their work.