
  • Registration Cancellation/Refund Policy

    You can cancel your existing registration and social events or request a refund before the meeting in accordance with the ACS Registration Cancellation Policy. All refunds are issued via the same method used for payment. Refunds are processed within 30 days after the conclusion of the meeting. By adhering to the following cancellation procedures, registration cancellations received by March 04, 2024, are entitled to a full refund, less $50 administrative fee.

    • Cancellation notices must be submitted to the ACS Registration Customer Service Center via mail or e-mail by 11:59 PM (ET) on March 04, 2024.
    • All refunds will be issued via the same method used for payment. Refunds will be processed within 30 days following the conclusion of the meeting.
    • Registration refund requests made after 11:59 PM (ET) on March 04, 2024, will not be honored.
    • Contact the ACS Registration Call Center Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM (ET) at 508-743-0192 or email
    • Registration Upgrades or Category changes: If you would like to change your registration category from in-person to virtual or upgrade from virtual to in-person, please contact our Call Center Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM (ET) at 508-743-0192 or email Requests to change to Virtual Registration must be made by 11:59 PM (ET) on March 04, 2024. You may upgrade from Virtual to In-Person registration at any time, including after March 04.
    • Canceling your registration will not automatically cancel your housing reservation; however, ACS reserves the right to cancel the room(s). Room(s) will be canceled within 14 days if the room cancellation has not occurred. To cancel your hotel room(s), please contact  ACS will not reimburse cancellation or no-show fees charged by the hotel.
  • Paid Registrant Procedures

    All in-person attendees will need to pick up their registration credentials and tickets on-site at the attendee registration area during on-site registration hours. Virtual attendees will access the virtual meeting platform using the ACS ID credential that matches their registration.

  • Badge Sharing and Reprint Policy

    Badge sharing, splitting, or reprints made outside of the official ACS registration system are strictly prohibited. Any attendee found in violation of this policy will be removed from the Convention, and all badges will be revoked.  The following fees will be charged for badge reprints: $25 for a second reprint, $50 for a third reprint, and $100 for any additional reprints.  

  • Attendee List Scam

    The American Chemical Society does not sell email lists of members or meeting registrants. Distribution or other use of the list without ACS’ express authorization is strictly prohibited. Third party “pirate” companies reach out to delegates and exhibitors offering to sell these lists often with the primary objective of obtaining credit card information. ACS is aware that these solicitations occur but has no affiliation with these companies. Please email the Meetings Team with any questions or concerns.

  • Registration Terms & Conditions

    Submitting your registration form and payment and clicking the acknowledgment button below constitutes an agreement on your part to accept and understand the following disclaimer and waiver details, policies, and general terms and conditions of ACS Spring 2024.

    1. Disclaimer and Waiver

    A. As a condition of my participation in this event, I hereby waive any claim I may have against ACS, its officers, directors, employees, or agents and ACS's affiliates, their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents (including, without limitation, any agent acting on its behalf) (the "Released Parties"), or against the presenters or speakers, for reliance on any information presented, and release ACS from and against any and all liability for damage or injury that may arise from my participation or attendance at the program. I further understand and agree that all property rights in the material presented, including common-law copyright, are expressly reserved to the presenter, speaker, or to ACS. This Waiver and Release is specifically binding upon my heirs and assigns and is knowingly given.

    • I agree and acknowledge that I am undertaking participation in ACS Spring 2024 and activities as my own free and intentional act and am fully aware of the risks involved in attending public gatherings, including possible exposure (through exposure to contaminated objects, as well as through personal contact) to contagious diseases or illness (including COVID-19), or physical injury might occur to me because of my participation in these events. I give this acknowledgment freely and knowingly that I am, as a result, able to participate in ACS Spring 2024, and I do hereby assume responsibility for my own well-being and warrant that I am abiding by state/local laws regarding health and safety. These terms and conditions extend and apply to all unknown, unforeseen, unanticipated, and unsuspected injuries, disease or illness, damages, loss, and liability, and the consequences of them, as well as those disclosed or known to exist. I expressly waive all provisions of any state, federal, local, or territorial law or statute providing that releases will not extend to claims, demands, injuries, or damages that are unknown or unsuspected to exist at the time to the person executing the release. This Waiver and Release is specifically binding upon my heirs and assigns and is knowingly given.
    • I agree and acknowledge if an emergency or other incident occurs in which, in the sole judgment of the Released Parties or medical personnel, requires medical treatment or care, I hereby consent to such treatment. I understand and agree that any and all medical treatment rendered to me by, or at the request of, any Released Party is not an admission of obligation to provide, or continue to provide, any such medical treatment and also is not a waiver by any Released Party of any right under these terms and conditions. This Waiver and Release is specifically binding upon my heirs and assigns and is knowingly given.


    B. ACS intends to take photographs, videos, audio recordings, and live stream this event for use in ACS news and promotional materials, in print, electronic, and other medias, including the ACS website.  By participating in this event, I grant ACS the right to use my image, photographs, voice, and/or likeness of me, without limitation, in its promotional materials and publicity efforts without compensation.  All content and/or media captured becomes the property of ACS and may be displayed, distributed, or used by ACS for any purpose.  I waive all rights I may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use, exhibition, streaming, webcasting, televising, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose of sponsoring, exhibiting, broadcasting, webcasting, or other publication irrespective of whether a fee of admission or sponsorship is charged.

    C. I understand that by registering for ACS Spring 2024, I provide consent; (1) to receive updates about ACS Spring 2024 and other ACS offerings, and (2) to be included on the official ACS Spring 2024 attendee list that may be posted and separately distributed to official ACS sponsors and exhibitors for marketing purposes. I can modify and/or revoke this consent at any time by emailing

    D. I understand by allowing an exhibitor or sponsor to scan my badge throughout the ACS Spring 2024, I am opting-in to receiving communications from that entity. I will be subject to their communications and privacy policy and must opt-out with them directly.

    2. General Terms & Conditions

    A. ACS Volunteer and Participant Conduct Policy
    The mission and vision of the American Chemical Society (“ACS”) is to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and all its people, as well as to improve all people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry. As one of the world’s largest scientific organizations, ACS is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, respectful, positive, and welcoming environment for all participants at every event, whether in-person or online.

    This Volunteer and Participant Code of Conduct Policy outlines ACS’ expectations for all ACS members and participants at in-person and virtual events and activities, including but not limited to seminars, symposia, trainings and courses, mixers, meetings, programs, and gatherings that are organized, hosted, planned, or managed in whole or in part by ACS or its units (“ACS Hosted Events”). Participants, including but not limited to, those engaging with ACS as members, officers, affiliates, associates, volunteers, attendees, exhibitors, partners, speakers, and service providers (“Participants”), are expected to communicate and abide by this policy at all times.

    • Participants should understand and support ACS’ mission and vision.
    • Participants are expected to act in a professional, courteous, cooperative, and respectful manner in order to contribute to a safe, collegial, inclusive, and positive environment for all Participants. Participants shall not engage in any action that could be considered bullying, threatening, or that implies or inflicts physical or emotional harm.
    • Participants shall not discriminate, harass or take any inappropriate actions based on any characteristic protected by applicable law, including but not limited to race, religion, national origin, country of residence, citizenship, language, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, economic status, marital status, or/and physical appearance.
    • Specifically with regard to sexual harassment, Participants shall not engage in any unwelcome sexual conduct, including but not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexual jokes or inferences, stalking, lewd or offensive sexual behavior. Any verbal or physical sexual harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Personal boundaries set by others must be observed.
    • Participants will comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the relevant government authorities, as well as all rules, safety guidelines, and regulations of the venue for any ACS Hosted Event.
    • Participants shall only use ACS’ trademarks, insignia, name, logos, and other intellectual property in compliance with the ACS Governing Documents and/or Branding Guidelines.
    • Participants granted access to sensitive, confidential, and/or proprietary information of ACS, including but not limited to, trade secrets, financial data, business data, personally identifiable information (PII), governance records, presentations and abstract papers, and any other non-public information, must take reasonable efforts to protect and safeguard such information.
    • Participants are prohibited from engaging in unauthorized photography or recording, including within the event environment for use on social media, without the prior permission of the event organizer, the individuals to be photographed/recorded, and/or owners of any underlying content.
    • Participants shall fully disclose all potential and actual conflicts of interest, including but not limited to distinguishing whether they are speaking as an individual or in an ACS capacity.
    • Participants may be required to consent to a background check in order to participate in an ACS Hosted Event involving certain groups (e.g., people under age 18, other vulnerable groups, etc.) as may be required under applicable laws and regulations or otherwise deemed appropriate. Individuals working either directly or in an unsupervised capacity with these certain groups should familiarize themselves and comply with any relevant reporting laws regarding volunteers and background checks.
    • Participants shall comply with applicable antitrust laws and are prohibited from discussing or making unlawful agreements at ACS Hosted Events. Participants shall refrain from inappropriate discussion of business operations or exchanging competitively sensitive information.
    • Violations of this policy at ACS Hosted Events must be reported promptly either to the ACS Office of the General Counsel (“OGC”) at or via one of the anonymous methods listed below. Please reference “ACS” or the “American Chemical Society” in the subject line of any written submissions. All reported concerns will be reviewed in a timely manner. 
      • Website:
      • Toll-free phone number: 855-710-0009 or 800-216-1288 (Spanish)
      • E-mail:
      • Fax: (215) 689-3885
    • Where appropriate, the OGC will investigate the allegations as reasonably promptly as possible. Upon completion of the investigation, the OGC will, in coordination with the Secretary, inform the appropriate governing body of the results of the investigation so that body can take such actions as they may determine appropriate to ensure any violation of this Policy is not repeated. Information will either be provided to the Chair of the ACS Board of Directors or in the case of Councilor conduct, the Council Policy Committee. Potential actions include but are not limited to the following:
      • A warning to the offender
      • Removal from the meeting or event without refund
      • Blocking individuals from online platforms
      • Reporting the incident to law enforcement or other appropriate government agencies
      • Exclusion from future ACS meetings, events, and activities
      • Expulsion or suspension from the Society without refund

    Please note, for privacy reasons, the Participant filing the initial report may not be informed of certain details related to the investigation or the precise nature of the action taken by ACS.

    • Any Participant who, in good faith, reports a violation of this policy shall not be subject to retaliation. Any Participant who retaliates against someone who has reported a concern in good faith is subject to an investigation and disciplinary actions as appropriate, including by the Board of Directors, or in the case of Councilor conduct, by the Council Policy Committee.


    B. Privacy Policy
    Your data privacy and security are important to us. When you register for this event, ACS will collect, process, and manage your data in accordance with our legitimate interests for hosting an industry event as described further in our privacy policy. Inquiries related to compliance with our privacy policy may be directed to or

    C. Single Sign-On (SSO) Notice
    ACS uses a singular database as our system of record to interact with other systems, such as event registration systems, through Single Sign-On ("SSO"). In addition to the benefits for the end-user to have a single authentication process for our ACS platforms, it provides the organization a layer of security in the ability to protect data in our primary system. As data privacy and security become even more paramount, under GDPR, this allows us to monitor and maintain how any individual's data is stored, used, and updated from a singular view. Additionally, it protects the organization's data accuracy by eliminating duplication of records and incomplete or erroneous data. Inquiries related to compliance with our privacy policy may be directed to or

    D. Payment Policy
    Full payment is due at the time of registration. The registration data is subject to audit. In case of error or incorrect self-selection of member types/pricing, the "Registration Center" reserves the right to correct the error and charge the appropriate fees. If there is a discrepancy, your registration and membership records will be updated accordingly. Should you owe any additional registration fees due to the audit, you will be notified via email, and within two (2) business days, the credit card that is on file will be charged the difference. Please note that your registration will not be complete until your payment is received, and you will not be able to receive your badge credentials and convention materials.

    • ACS reserves the right to cancel unpaid registrations (and any affiliated hotel reservations) within 30 days of registration or no later than 20 days prior to ACS Spring 2024, depending on the date of registration.


    E. Paid Registrant Procedures
    All in-person attendees will need to pick up their registration credentials and tickets on-site at the attendee registration area during on-site registration hours. Virtual attendees will access the virtual meeting platform using the ACSID credential that matches their registration.

    F. Badge Sharing and Reprint Policy
    Badge sharing, splitting, or reprints made outside of the official ACS registration system are strictly prohibited. Any attendee found in violation of this policy will be removed from the Convention, and all badges will be revoked. The following fees will be charged for badge reprints: $25 for a second reprint, $50 for a third reprint, and $100 for any additional reprints.

    G. Registration Cancellation/Refund Policy
    You can cancel your existing registration and social events or request a refund before the meeting in accordance with the ACS Registration Cancellation Policy. All refunds are issued via the same method used for payment. Refunds are processed within 30 days after the conclusion of the meeting. By adhering to the following cancellation procedures, registration cancellations received by March 04, 2024, are entitled to a full refund, less $50 administrative fee.

    • Contact the ACS Registration Call Center Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM (Eastern) at 1-508-743-0192 or email to request refunds, registration upgrades or category changes (i.e., changing your registration category from in-person to virtual or upgrade from virtual to in-person).
    • Cancellation notices must be submitted to the ACS registration customer service center by mail, phone, or e-mail by 11:59 PM (ET) on March 04, 2024.
    • Registration refund requests made after 11:59 PM (ET) on March 04, 2024, will not be honored.
    • Registration Upgrades or Category changes: If you would like to change your registration category from in-person to virtual or upgrade from virtual to in-person, please contact our Call Center Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM (ET) at 508-743-0192 or email Requests to change to Virtual Registration must be made by 11:59 PM (ET) on March 04, 2024. You may upgrade from Virtual to In-Person registration at any time, including after March 04.
    • Canceling your registration will not automatically cancel your housing reservation; however, ACS reserves the right to cancel the room(s). Room(s) will be canceled within 14 days if the room cancellation has not occurred. To cancel your hotel room(s), please contact ACS will not reimburse cancellation or no-show fees charged by the hotel.


    H. Postponement
    ACS reserves the exclusive right to modify, postpone/reschedule or cancel programs for any reason, including but not limited to emergency, pandemic or epidemic, inclement weather, or other "acts of God." If there is an event cancellation, every attempt will be made to reschedule, and ACS has the right to transfer registration fees to the rescheduled event date. ACS will not be responsible for reimbursement of any participant's expenses related to an event's cancellation or postponement. If a canceled event cannot be rescheduled, ACS has the right to determine an equitable basis for the refund of a portion or all of the registration fees after cancellation due to consideration of circumstances and expenditures.

    I. Compliance with Law
    As a U.S.-based nonprofit organization, you acknowledge that ACS is required to comply with U.S. sanctions laws and regulations administered by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). By registering for this event, you certify that (1) you are not designated or otherwise identified on any of the various U.S. government lists of denied/sanctioned parties, including, but not limited to, OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List, or Foreign Sanctions Evaders List; the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Denied Persons List, Unverified List, or Entity List; or the U.S. Department of State’s Non-Proliferation Sanctions Determinations lists; (2) you are not employed by or otherwise affiliated with any entity that is identified on any of the various U.S. government lists of denied/sanctioned parties or that is 50% or more directly or indirectly owned, in the aggregate, by one or more individuals or entities identified on any of the various U.S. government lists of denied/sanctioned parties; (3) you are not an official, employee, agent, or contractor of, or directly or indirectly acting or purporting to act for or on behalf of, a government (including any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof or any person directly or indirectly owned or controlled by any of the foregoing) subject to U.S. sanctions; and (4) your registration for and participation in this event is not otherwise prohibited under applicable U.S. sanctions laws and regulations. ACS reserves the right to cancel the registration and or membership of any attendee upon determining, in ACS’s sole discretion, that doing so may be required to ensure compliance with applicable U.S. sanctions laws and regulations.

    J. Intellectual Property Permissions
    Speakers or companies that submit artwork, upload, or link any material (including but not limited to images, text, documents, and/or video files) to the website are solely responsible for the content of such material and for gaining required permissions under copyright, trademark, trade secret or other applicable law for the use of such material. By submitting any such material, the submitting speaker or company represents and agrees that it has obtained the necessary permissions referenced above.

    K. Travel and Hotel Reservations
    Attendees are responsible for securing their own travel, hotel accommodations and making payment for such arrangements. Cancellation of hotel reservations and/or any travel expenses incurred are the sole responsibility of each individual attendee.

    L. Errors and Omissions
    ACS is not responsible for errors or omissions. Schedules, speakers, and program content are subject to change.

    M. Acceptance
    I acknowledge that I have read the above terms and conditions. By registering for and attending ACS Spring 2024, I hereby agree that I accept the terms stated herein and indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from attendance at ACS Spring 2024

Attending Sessions

  • Recording Policy

    No Image Capturing or Recording Please 

    The capturing of images, sounds, or stream, downloading, or rebroadcasting of technical session (oral or poster) speakers or presentations is strictly prohibited within the ACS meeting platform.


  • Technical sessions, either oral or poster

    Each presenter of any technical session, oral or poster, states that nothing in their presentation is defamatory, libelous, or otherwise unlawful, violates any right of privacy, or infringes any duty of confidentiality owed to another party or violates any contract, express or implied.  Further, each presenter states as follows:  

    1. Their presentation is the original work of the presenter and any contributors who have been involved in such research or preparation have been appropriately identified. 
    2. Any third-party quotations or figures have been appropriately noted, and in the case of illustrations in particular, permission for their use has been obtained.     
    3. All institutional approvals and protocols have been obtained and followed in conjunction with the research and the preparation of the presentation. Similarly, any related requirements of relevant research funding agencies have been followed.  Any funding agencies providing support for the underlying research have been identified.
    4. Any unusual hazards inherent in the chemicals, equipment or procedures used in the underlying research as described in the presentation are clearly identified.    

Housing Policy

  • Booking Housing

    Book before February 9, 2024, to guarantee the ACS discounted rate!

    In order to receive the ACS discounted rate, reservations must be made through the ACS Official Housing Bureau, SPARGO, Inc.

    Reservations are made through the Official ACS Housing Booking Website beginning December 14, 2023. 

    Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. After February 27, please contact the hotel directly to make a reservation. Hotel availability cannot be guaranteed and may be at a higher rate.

  • Housing Payment

    A valid deposit for one night’s room and tax is required to confirm a reservation.

    • Guarantee hotel reservations by credit card (American Express, MasterCard, or VISA).
    • Don’t combine hotel fees with any other payment (e.g., registration, membership dues).
    • Payment will be processed by your hotel, not SPARGO, Inc.
    • Note: SPARGO, Inc. will forward payment information to hotels starting on February 20, 2024.


    Some hotels charge a deposit of one nights’ room and tax to your credit card prior to your arrival. The remaining balance will be charged at the time of check-in.  If you wish to prepay your stay, please contact the hotel after February 27, 2023. All rooms are subject to a daily room tax of 16.2% and occupancy tax of $1-$2 (taxes and fees vary by hotel and subject to change)

  • Hotel Cancellations

    • See your confirmation email for a link to make changes to or cancel your reservation. You can also call toll-free +1-571-583-0728 or International +1-888-521-8588 or email the ACS Housing Bureau at
    • Within 72 hours of arrival date: Cancellations must be made at least three (3) days prior to your scheduled arrival date or a cancellation fee equivalent to one (1) night's room rate and tax will be charged to the credit card on file.
  • Housing Questions

    Please contact the ACS Official Housing Bureau, SPARGO, Inc., directly with all inquiries related to your hotel reservation.

    Phone: +1-571-583-0728 (United States) or +1-888-521-8588 (International)

    Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time 
                Closed on Weekends and U.S. Holidays


  • Statement on Diversity, Equity,  Inclusion And Respect

    Statement on Diversity, Equity,  Inclusion And Respect

    The American Chemical Society aspires to be a diverse, equitable, inclusive and respectful community of highly skilled chemical professionals.

    We encourage inclusivity and oppose discrimination in scientific learning and practice based on - but not limited to - race, religion, country or ethnic origin, citizenship, language, political opinion, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, and economic class in academic, industrial, and government workplaces. The Society believes that an enduring commitment to diversity enables excellence, innovation, and transformative action in current and future generations of chemical professionals.

    As a global scientific society, we affirm the international principles that the responsible practice of science, free from discrimination in all of its forms, is fundamental to scientific advancement and human wellbeing, as outlined by the International Council for Science’s (ICSU) Statute 51.

    We also affirm our commitment to a scientific environment that facilitates the execution and communication of scientific work with integrity, fairness, and transparency at all organizational levels. This extends to our general scientific endeavors—including our professional interactions and engagement with other scientists, trainees, and the general public. We recognize that harm to our profession, our scientific credibility, individual wellbeing, and society at large is caused by not doing so.

    To this end, the Society will implement the principles of diversity, inclusivity, and equity within ACS leadership and membership to build a community across the chemical enterprise. We are committed to quantifying and monitoring our diversity.

Compliance with U.S. Sanctions Law 

  • Compliance with U.S. Sanctions Law 

    You acknowledge and agree that ACS, a U.S.-based nonprofit organization, is required to comply with U.S. sanctions laws and regulations administered by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), which restrict ACS from dealing with individuals and entities subject to U.S. sanctions in certain cases.  By registering for an ACS event, submitting written materials to ACS, and/or engaging in any other transaction with ACS, you certify that:

    (1) you are not designated or otherwise identified on any of the various U.S. government lists of denied/sanctioned parties, including, but not limited to, OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List, or Foreign Sanctions Evaders List; the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Denied Persons List, Unverified List, or Entity List; or the U.S. Department of State’s Non-Proliferation Sanctions Determinations lists;

    (2) you are not employed by or otherwise affiliated with any entity that is identified on any of the various U.S. government lists of denied/sanctioned parties or that is 50% or more directly or indirectly owned, in the aggregate, by one or more individuals or entities identified on any of the various U.S. government lists of denied/sanctioned parties;

    (3) any abstracts, manuscripts, research summaries, presentations, or other related work product submitted by you to ACS have not been and will not be supported through research funding or otherwise by any individual or entity subject to U.S. sanctions, including any individual or entity identified on any of the various U.S. government lists of denied/sanctioned parties or any entity that is 50% or more directly or indirectly owned, in the aggregate, by one or more individuals or entities identified on any of the various U.S. government lists of denied/sanctioned parties;

    (4) you are not an official, employee, agent, or contractor of, or directly or indirectly acting or purporting to act for or on behalf of, a government (including any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof or any person directly or indirectly owned or controlled by any of the foregoing) or political party (including any organ or body thereof) subject to U.S. sanctions;

    (5) you do not reside or work in North Korea or the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) or Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) regions of Ukraine, and you are not employed by or otherwise affiliated with any entity located in North Korea or the DNR or LNR regions of Ukraine or that is directly or indirectly owned by any individuals or entities located in North Korea or the DNR or LNR regions of Ukraine; and

    (6) your participation in an ACS event, submission of written materials to ACS, and any other transactions in which you may engage with ACS are not otherwise prohibited under applicable U.S. sanctions laws and regulations. 

    ACS reserves the right to restrict an individual’s participation in ACS events, reject the submission of written materials to ACS, and/or take any other action that ACS determines, in its sole discretion, may be required to ensure compliance with applicable U.S. sanctions laws and regulations.


ACS Secretary and General Counsel, Flint Lewis at or ACS Anonymous Hotline: toll free at 855-710-0009 (English) or 800-216-1288 (Spanish)



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