Special Features for the Press

Print, broadcast, and online journalists will be exposed to a rich assortment of spot news and feature possibilities.

Why Apply for Press Credentials

  • Receive embargoed press releases on select scientific presentations.
  • Access nearly 12,000 live presentations about new research in chemistry.
  • Searchable online program to easily find talks of interest.
  • View select presentations on demand during and after the meeting.

How to Register as Press

ACS provides complimentary registration to ACS Spring 2024 for reporters (staff and freelance) and public information officers from government, non-profits and educational institutions. Please request credentials by completing this form. ACS reserves the right to refuse press credentials for any reason. All others must register via the main meeting registration page. 

Request An Expert

Need a source for a story? ACS Experts can help. This group of chemists and chemical engineers is ready to provide reliable, in-depth analysis and respond to inquiries from reporters on a wide range of topics in the news.

Remote Access

During the meeting, videos on select scientific presentations will be posted on the ACS Spring 2024 YouTube channel, and press releases on these topics will be posted on the ACS News Room page when the embargoes lift. Reporters who need assistance should contact newsroom@acs.org.

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Contacts for registration, hotel, presenter support or any other questions.

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