ACS Student Chapter Reports

Student chapter reports are an opportunity for chapters to inform ACS about their activities throughout the year, be eligible for a Student Chapter Award, and keep their chapter active. Student Chapter Awards and Green Chemistry Student Chapter Awards are based on exceptional activities, programs, initiatives described in chapter reports, after being reviewed by faculty advisors from around the world. The faculty review the reports and provide feedback on how to make the chapter more successful.

  • To remain active, your chapter must submit a report at least once every three years
  • Submit only one report per student chapter

  Deadline: May 31 (annually)

Submit a Report

  1. Use your ACS member information to log in.
    - Use the Last Name/Member Number option to sign in.
    - If you're not an ACS member, sign up first. Then contact to be connected to your student chapter
  2. Update your chapter information, enter in events, and answer questions to build your report.
  3. Download the financial report template. Upload it along with your narrative when talking about finances for the year. While it is not required to use this template, it is helpful for the reviewers.


Extensions are only granted in exceptional circumstances. Reports received after the deadline will not be eligible for a Student Chapter Award. Reach out to (for U.S. chapters) or (outside of the U.S.) to request an extension.

Components of a Chapter Report

Below you will find all of the sections and questions found on the report.  Respond to all of the questions as completely as possible. Put as many details about your events and activities as possible.

We understand that English may not be your first language. Do not worry if your response is not grammatically correct. Reviewers will not penalize you for spelling or grammar errors. 

  • Student Chapter Information

    • Faculty advisor and co-advisor information
    • Chapter email and social media
    • Number of students in chapter
    • Student roster
  • Self-assessment

    • What were your student chapter's two major goals for the academic year? How did your chapter work to accomplish these goals? What is an event or tradition that you believe is unique to your student chapter?
    • Based on your assessment of this year's objectives, what are the chapter objectives for next year? What do you plan to do the same or differently?
  • Service

    • In what ways do you think your chapter had an impact on each of the following communities through service and outreach: your chapter/department, your university, and your local community?
    • How did you incorporate National Chemistry Week (NCW)Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) and/or Mole Day into your service activities?
    • How did you evaluate chemical safety needs related to your activities? What steps did you take to promote chemical safety during your events for participants, observers, and organizers? 
  • Professional Development

    • What areas of professional development do you think your chapter needs to address most? Which events did you hold that significantly contributed to your chapter's improvement in those areas?  
  • Chapter Development

    • How did your student chapter activities impact member recruitment and retention for your chapter? Which efforts were most successful in promoting camaraderie amongst your chapter, and why?
    • Does your student chapter have a group email address? If so, what is it? (We strongly encourage all student chapters to create a generic email address for ease of correspondence between ACS and the officers.)
  • Finances

    Please provide a narrative to accompany your financial report(Download the template and rename with your institution and the year before uploading to your report.)

    • How does your chapter plan for costs associated with your activities?
    • What is your most effective form of fundraising and why? 
    • How did fundraising and managing the chapter budget help members develop professional experience (sales skills, grant writing, etc.)? 
    • Did your chapter have enough money to accomplish its goals for the year?

    NOTE: all chapter expenses and income must be included on your financial report .

  • Green Chemistry

    If you wish to be considered for a Green Chemistry Student Chapter Award, please provide the following:

  • Science Outreach and Community Interaction

    • What were your most successful activities this year, and what made these events successful?
    • How did you evaluate chemical safety needs related to your activities? What steps did you take to promote chemical safety during your events for participants, observers, and organizers?
    • Briefly describe any outreach activities you would like to try or groups you would like to work with in the future.


  • Technical Recommendations

    We recommend that you clear your cache often and save frequently as typing does not count as activity!

  • Why can’t I login?

    You have to be an ACS member (undergraduate student with a premium package or a faculty advisor with a standard or premium package) to login to Student Chapters Online. If you are a senior who has recently graduated and cannot login, please contact, we may be able to help extend your graduation date.

    Use the Last Name / Member Number to login.

  • What do I do first?

    Start by updating your chapter information at the start of the academic year. Under the “Chapter Information” section, add the roles of all your officers, and make sure the faculty advisor listed is correct. If the faculty advisor listed is not correct, please contact

  • Do primary officers have to be ACS members?

    Yes! The bylaws state that all officers must be ACS student members at the premium package level.

  • Why does the roster not include all of our members?

    If your roster has incorrect information, please send a list of names and member numbers that you believe should be included on the roster to

  • How many of our chapter events should we include in the report?

    All of them! To better understand what your student chapter does, add in all of your events with as much detail as you can. Try to add each event soon after it took place so the details are fresh in your mind.

    For reoccuring events, such as a weekly Officer Meeting, add the meeting once and state in the description that this meeting takes place every week and give some examples of what you discuss.

  • How many pictures can I load into the system? Can I upload videos as well?

    You can upload 5 items (doc, docx, jpg, pdf, png, txt, xls, xlsx) per event. Only share the best, high quality (300 DPI preferred) images. Do not create a collage or PDF of your pictures, in an effort to share more photos, as the quality is reduced. You can add links to videos or a shared drive (please remember to open up access to the shared drive) can be included in the event description text. 

  • When is the chapter report due?

    The report is due May 31 annually.

  • Can we get an extension?

    You may reach out to to request an extension, but reports received after the deadline will be marked as Not for Review and will not be eligible for a Student Chapter Award. Extensions may be granted under exceptional circumstances.

  • Will we get an email notification when the report is submitted?

    No, you will not get an automatic email notification from Student Chapters Online. You can log back in and check the Report Status in the About the Chapter section.

Student Community Toolkit

Successfully start and manage your student chapter or GSO with these resources. If you have any questions, email ACS Student Chapters at, ACS International Student Chapters at, or GSO at

Tips for Faculty Advisors

Faculty advisor responsibilities, tips for building a successful group, and other essential information

Contact Us

ACS Student Chapters

ACS Student International Chapters

Graduate Student Organization