Technical Division Innovative Project Grants

Grant at a Glance

Recipient Industry, Chemistry Professional
Category Events & Activities,  Community Recognition
AmountUp to $16,500 per year
DeadlineFebruary 15, 2024

Vision & Purpose

The ACS Divisional Activities Committee (DAC) funds new Division projects through Technical Division Innovative Project Grants (IPGs). This program encourages the creation of innovative projects that will serve Division members, encourage strategic planning for future division success, and foster collaborative projects among divisions and other governance groups. This program also seeks to broaden successful innovations from one Division to others. This program also seeks to broaden successful innovations from one Division to others.

Submission Deadlines

  • Spring Cycle: February 15
  • Fall Cycle: July 15

Project Types

The following are examples of projects eligible for IPGs:

  • New and unique opportunities for a Division
  • Projects designed to recruit new and retain existing Division members
  • Collaborative projects between two or more Divisions
  • Adaptation of an existing innovation in a new way, or to a new Division (see Innovative Project Adoption Grant)
  • Strategic Planning Projects for Divisional Leadership (once every five years)

Innovative Project Grant (IPG)

IPG applications are accepted biannually. This award is $7,500 for one division, $16,000 if two divisions jointly submit a proposal, and $25,000 if three divisions jointly submit. An important change for joint IPGs is that divisions only need to submit one application and the total funding available is more if submitted as a joint proposal. All IPG projects must be completed within two years. Divisions are allowed to have only two applications open at any one time. Proposals submitted between July and February will be reviewed at the Spring ACS National Meeting and proposals submitted between February and July will be considered during the Fall review cycle. Maximum funding for a division is $12,500 for the calendar year.

IPG Scoring Rubric (PDF)

Examples of Previously Funded IPGs

Strategic Planning Grant (SPG)

Strategic Planning IPG applications are also accepted biannually, but no more than one (1) strategic planning project may be awarded to a division within a 5-year period. The award is limited to $7500, and use of ACS Strategic Planning consultants is strongly encouraged.

SPG Scoring Rubric (PDF)

Translational Project Grants (TPG)

New for the Fall the 2023 Cycle

Receive funding to adopt a successful IPG already funded by the ACS in another division and translate it to a new and innovative purpose in your division. Similarly, previously successful IPG awards to your own division may be adopted if there is an innovative new application of the prior award within your division. TPGs are accepted biannually, with a maximum award of $5000.

TPG Scoring Rubric (PDF)


  • Divisions may have more than two active projects, but only two standard IPGs at one time.
  • Divisions must be current on their Annual Report and IPG report submissions. 
  • No more than one strategic planning project may be awarded within a five-year period. 
  • Maximum funding for Strategic Planning projects is $7,500.

Application Requirements

Applications will be graded using the grant rubrics; a review of these before you begin the application process may prove useful. Please read and address the categories accordingly. Additional requirements are listed below:

  1. Clear statement of project’s goal and innovative aspects.
  2. Brief project background.
  3. Detailed budget clearly justifying the funding amount requested and sources of supplemental funding, if applicable.
  4. Support letters from all participating division chairs (or another executive committee member if the chair is the applicant). The support letters must also include the status of any outstanding IPGs and any divisional funds committed to the proposed project.

What is required after all IPG, SPG, TPG awards?

  • Funds must be used to support the proposed project and expended within two years.
  • A final report describing the use of funds and the effectiveness of the project must be submitted within three months after conclusion of the project.
  • Final reports might be posted on the IPG website, and a poster format is encouraged.

What will not be funded?

  • Honoraria, cash awards, or endowments
  • Events or projects occurring prior to the funding decision being made
  • Continuing a well-established program or project (unless it is a TPG adopting another division’s innovation.)
  • Travel and registration requests to non-ACS meetings.

Spring & Fall Cycles

  • Proposals submitted between July and February will be reviewed at the Spring ACS Meeting, and may be awarded, denied, or deferred to the fall cycle to maximize resources. 
  • Proposals submitted between February and July will be considered during the Fall review cycle and will be either funded or denied. 
  • Proposals awarded during the spring cycle will be transferred to Division treasuries no later than June 1. 
  • Proposals awarded during the fall cycle will be transferred to Division treasuries no later than December 31.

Other ACS Innovation Funding

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