The Best of WonderScience, Volumes 1 & 2

A collection of hands-on elementary science activities

Intended for children in grades 3-6, The Best of WonderScience contains over 600 hands-on science activities for adults and children to do together. All activities have been reviewed for safety and use inexpensive, easy-to-find materials. Colorful illustrations and step-by-step directions make the activities easy and fun to do. 

Sample Activities

ActivityTopic Covered
1. Vitamin C Testing

Chemical Changes and Chemical Tests
2. Balloon Bath

3. Foiling Spoiling

Characteristic Properties of Materials
4. There’s Air in There!

Force & Motion
5. Give probability a chance!

Math Skills
6. Measure Yourself in Metric

7. Temperature Touch-o-meter

Science through Your Senses
8. Air: It’s Really There

States of matter
9. Ice of a Different ColorWater